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Sunday, October 15, 2006

OCC reevaluation: UFC 64 Unstoppable - Marrero-Kongo & Jon Fitch's music

Before I get in to the things I want to say in this column, I think I should explain why it exists in the first place.

One of the difficulties of doing a full recap as opposed to a summary of each round at the end of the round is that it requires that I divide my attention between the fight, what's going on in the room and the computer.

So, this has resulted in my feelings after thought and reflection being different than they were when I was writing the live blog.

Well, sometimes that carries over to the aftermath column.

In that piece I wrote last night about the Kongo Marrero fight that I hated to give anything on this show the label of worst fight but this would be the one.

This is no longer true because now I don't hate to give this fight that label, they earned it. This fight after looking back at my notes and after viewing it again, well it benefited from my mood last night.

How many times during that fight did I write the phrase: "The Referee stood them back up". or a variant thereof. Refs don't stand them up for their jollies they do it because the fighters aren't providing satisfactory action.

I will try not to let bad fights benefit from a general good mood in the future. I will say this, I have seen worse fights than this one but this wasn't anywhere near what I would consider good on second look. Now that I think about it, I'm not sure where I would rank this show when comparing it to UFC 63 or 62.

The only other thing I wanted to mention here is that if Matt Hughes has the best walk-in music in UFC according to Joe Rogan than Jon Fitch is 1-A because I've been listening to the Johnny Cash song he entered to last night and it is all kinds of awesome.

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