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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

If somebody knows anyone who can invent a time machine, let me know!

Ok, so you are most likely asking why is this post titled as it is. Well if you are, you obviously are not waiting for the release of the Nintendo Wii. To show how much of a Nintendo mark i am, i already own a Nintendo DS which i pre-ordered and then waited in line for two hours to make sure i was one of the first people in my area to have one. I was in the games store last Thursday when the guy behind the counter asked "So are you getting a Wii?" I asked if they were available for pre-order yet, the guy said they should be in the next couple of days but possibly today. So in true geek style, i phoned up the store later in the day and the woman who answered the phone said Nintendo were holding their press conference in London tomorrow to announce the price.

The next day came and i drove into Kilmarnock (nearest city, around 15 mins from where i am) and went back to the store and inquired. I was too early, the announcement was not until later that afternoon. This was bad, if the announcement was to be later that day i could not make it in later and i would have to wait until Monday as i work at the weekends. So i called later on and got the same guy who started all this and he said that they would be available to pre-order tomorrow(Saturday). I asked if there was any chance of holding one for me and i would come in and fill out the pre-order form later on when i finshed work on Saturday. He said he would ensure that i was the 1st person on their store's list of pre-orders and i would get one on the European release date December 8. YAY! I was so happy that i did not care i had to go to work, i knew that after that i would be going into town and ensuring that on December 8...no university work is done at all.

Straight after work, i got home and went straight into town. Got to the shop and the guy was expecting me so he had the form ready for me. He said that i was the first actual customer pre-order he had as there were already a couple of staff orders. He then broke this news. Normally the store does a midnight opening for console launches but this time he was saying that he might open up at 10.30pm and let the people who had pre-ordered their Wii in and let them preview the games by playing the store's Wii. Double YAY! So December 8, i will be a very happy person indeed and of course the OCC will get the reviews as soon as i can pull myself away from it.

Here are a couple of links to some of the games i will be getting:
Wii Sports(comes bundled with the console in Europe)
Wario Ware: Smooth Moves
Red Steel

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Blogger Casey Trowbridge said...

Yay, you're providing video game content and that rules.

You and Wade will really get along well, I'd describe him as a Nintendo mark as well although maybe not to your degree in that I don't necessarily see Wade staying up so late to be one of the first to own one.

9/19/2006 9:32 AM  

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