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Monday, September 18, 2006

OCC Movie Roundup: Benchwarmers, Beavis & Butt-head, 40 year old Virgin

I'm going to talk about 3 of the DVDs I've had a chance to either screen or partially screen lately.

  • Benchwarmers
  • Beavis & Butt-head Do America SE
  • The 40 Year Old Virgin

Yes, Scott has a more complete review of the Beavis & Butt-head DVD below, so this will be some quicker thoughts.

  • Benchwarmers

    Ok, here's the first thing that strikes me about this movie on a second viewing. I should not have liked this movie as much in the theater as I did. This does not hold up well for me on repeat viewings.
    I think the reason why is that there are just too many fart jokes. On a side rant I really hate fart jokes. I mean there are some that I have laughed at but I always feel guilty for doing so. The reason I feel guilty and the reason I hate them to begin with is that they are just not really that funny but they are an easy laugh getter among children.
    I think that its lazy comedy to get stuck looking for a laugh and doing the fart joke. I pride myself on recognizing good dialog and there is not much in this movie.

    There are a couple of commentary tracks on this DVD but I have only sampled the David Spade/John Heder track. It is probably even funnier than the film itself (which isn't really saying that much)

    In short, I am downgrading this movie from my initial review and now give it a 2.5 out of 5. It leans too heavy on the gross out humor that by the end I remember none of it and am just thinking ok these are gross people, I get it.

    I do want to mention that I got my first look at Open Season during the previews on this DVD. It seemed funny enough from the teaser, I think just barely over $100 million funny but not much more. We'll see how close I am in a few weeks.

  • The 40 year-old Virgin
    I realize the link is a cheap shot but I couldn't resist.

    Anyway, I watched this for the first time last Tuesday after everyone told me I needed to see it. It was a pretty good movie. People want to know which of the 2 summer sex comedies of 2005, Virgin or Wedding Crashers were better. I'll tell you that both are very funny movies, but each has its downside.

    I actually think they both have the same problem in that they are too long. This problem is more obvious in Wedding Crashers as the last half hour of that movie is not good at all. I think that Crashers is more quotable but that Virgin has the better story. I'd say Crashers made me laugh more but Virgin was the better film.

    I can't possibly recommend the commentary on the Unrated DVD enough. A lot of the principle cast is in on the commentary and they seem to have a good time watching the movie and making jokes.

  • Beavis & Butt-head Do America SE.

    Scott already gave his thoughts on the movie. I don't have much else to add. I did however listen to the commentary and I have to say that it was just ok. There was a little too much laughing at stuff on screen for my liking. It is somewhat understandable in that Mike Judge had not seen the entire film since it came out but it was still annoying at times.

    I learned that Bruce Willis and Demi Moore who were married at the time had no idea that the other was doing this film until well in to its production.

    Some interesting bits do come out of the track like that the song "Lesbian Seagel" is a real-life song that Judge had help tracking down from the Producers of David Letterman.

    There is also a very funny story told by Judge about his encounter with a casting director for the film who didn't know that Judge himself did a majority of the voices. Also find out what big name actor the casting director wanted in the film. Here's a hint, Patrick Stewart.

    It was an enjoyable enough track and I love the movie quite a bit.

That's some of the stuff I've watched lately.

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