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Friday, February 16, 2007

International Fight League Sores; Why?

Click Here for an article looking at the IFL's stock.

I've got thoughts:

From the day that stock price started going up, I was not impressed. The minute they had to declare a quarterly report was when I thought things would start heading south. It hasn't happened yet, but I still think its a matter of time. Sure, the money they've made has erased their opporating losses but the problem is that it is funny money that rises and falls with the stock. In short, none of it can realistically be called theirs because it could go away in a hurry.
I'm sorry, but as the article notes there is no way this league should be worth more than the Freaking New York Yankees and I loathe the Yankees. I wonder what will happen to the stock price when the investors see things like tickets sold for these events? My advice would be if you own IFL stock, now would be a good time to sell as while they do have some things going for them there's no way this stock can do anything but go down.

Now having said all of that, provided that it is actually on in my area on My Network TV, I'll give recapping Total Impact a try.

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Blogger Ric Gillespie said...

I understand your position on IFL's stock, but I am still waiting to learn more about IFL's sores.

2/17/2007 12:10 AM  
Blogger Art Shimko said...

hopefully they're not the same sores TNA has...

2/17/2007 2:24 PM  

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