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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

My thoughts on ECW & Vince McMahon

I just read Art's post about ECW and was going to leave a comment but opted instead to do a completely different post since I have a lot to say as well.

First off, I would like to say that I agree with everything Art said about Vince McMahon. Vince has had black hole money ideas in the past (WBF, XFL) that looked like they were a good idea when they started but quickly turned sour. I don't know much about WBF but I do know that XFL was a definite failed attempt of Vince trying to branch into football. The only thing I think is giving any positive results for them outside wrestling is WWE Films. Vince will always try to make his money any way he can and not realize how poorly his wrestling program is doing. With that said, it's time to move on.

ECW was once a great fed. It had great stars, great feuds and great matches. It took them a few years but they finally managed to get onto PPV and the to national TV. They would continue to do PPVs and TV until they went under for reason or another. They tried to do an "Invasion" angle after they bought out WCW and brought in some ECW talent but this was shortlived.

When I first heard about them bringing back ECW I was extremely skeptical. Mostly because I knew they couldn't get all the original talent back because they were either in other promotions or just couldn't do it anymore. The first One Night Stand PPV they did was very good. They managed to get a lot of the old ECW talent together for at least one night and all of the matches were with ECW wrestlers with some Smackdown and RAW wrestlers getting in the ring at the end of the show. This was what I was hoping for when they started ECW up as a promotion again but as we can see, that wasn't even close.

From what I've watched an read, this ECW was heavily watered down when it came to the really extreme matches that were it's signature. The "mature" stuff they tried to do with the ladies seemed too forced as well. The old ECW divas didn't try as hard and were always entertaining. Also, WWE put too many of their wrestlers in ECW to pass them off as "Extreme" and had them go over a lot more than the originals.

ECW has gone from "the little promtion that could" to a watered-down broken shell of a WWE owned product. We'll see how long ECW will stay on the air now that the heart and soul of the promotion is gone.

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Blogger Art Shimko said...

great read man, the crazy thing is that us fans really didn't think this new ECW would work too well but man McMahon sure wanted to one-up that opinion and totally screw things up. Even if Heyman did have a hand in booking this show Vince should've at least had the sense to not have such a crap show go one, of course that is unless he wanted the brand to go down in flames which seems to be the case.

12/05/2006 4:31 PM  

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