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Sunday, September 24, 2006

Insane people and bloody children.

Since Casey gave the readers of the OCC an insight into his life at work, i will now show you the insanity i deal with every Saturday and Sunday morning. I work at a convenience store at the weekend to give me some extra money to spend on traditional student activities (drinking etc). But this weekend i began to wonder...is it all worth it?

I say this because of some of the insane people that come into the store and just some of the things that happen make me think if £5.21 an hour is enough. At times i feel like i am a babysitter and a nurse at an old folks home. For example, a little while ago a rather drunk man came into the store eating a takeaway which is nothing unusual. 15 minutes later, myself and the rest of the staff noticed we had not seen him leave the store again so we went to look for him. Well we found him...asleep in the newspaper stand with no trousers on. The man was quickly asked to put nhis clothes on and leave. This happened on the same day as the old woman who came into the store, wandered round the store, left leaving a trail of urine all around the store which i had the job of cleaning up. Lovely.

Then there are the children...some of the most annoying little bastards you will ever find. These are children who think they are 10 feet tall and rule the world even though they are only 8 years old and cannot count.

In the UK, you can legally buy alcohol from the age of 18 but my store has a policy of IDing anyone who we think is under 21. However, nobody seems to carry any form of ID with them. I have 2 different forms of ID in my wallet: driver's licence and my university matriculation card. When i have to refuse them because they do not have any ID to prove their age, they are not amused normally. Here is an example of the best:

Me: Do you have any kind of ID on you?
Customer: Ummmm...no.
Me: Then i'm afraid i cannot sell you that.
Customer: Why not?
Me: Because i am not sure that you are aged to buy this item.
Customer: I've shown my ID to her *points to another staff member*
Me: I'm sorry but I need to see it.
Customer: Fucking hell, fine. I won't be back you fat fuck.
Me: Have a nice day.

I am only doing my job and i get that. But it rarely happens, most people are able to produce something which proves their age and if they can't they accept it and come back later.

So i have returned from work today and i do not go back until Saturday. However, i return to university this week after a 3 month summer break. I am going to be damn tired by the time Saturday comes.

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