Saturday, July 14, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Iron Sheik to be on Howard Stern show
Labels: Howard Stern, Interviews, Iron Sheik, Pro Wrestling News, Sirius Satellite Radio
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Sunday, June 24, 2007
Sheiky Baby!!!
click here foul language, not work safe.
Labels: Iron Sheik, Ultimate Warrior, Video, YouTube
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Monday, June 11, 2007
Iron Sheik and a bunch of unimportant people will have words for Mr. McMahon tonight
I don't know who most of these people are, Steve Austin, Mick Foley, Bret Hart, Donald Trump, Mark Cuban, Roddy Piper. However, Sheiky Baby will have some pleasure for Me to pleasure for Mr. McMahon and maybe God and Jesus if there's time.
Labels: Iron Sheik, Pro Wrestling News, Raw, Show Previews, WWE
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Saturday, June 02, 2007
Iron Sheik strikes again
--For you fans of the Iron Sheik self-destruction tour, he was on Derek & Romaine on the Sirius gay channel Out Q and was out of control calling everyone
fags. (thanks to Dan Michaels)
From today's update at
Who's idea was it to have Sheiky on this show to begin with? Hor she should be wacked for stupidity and rewarded for comedy.
Labels: Interviews, Iron Sheik, Pro Wrestling News, Sirius Satellite Radio
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Monday, May 07, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Wendesday Night Notes
Same rating, same shit.
Free Dr. Keith show with the Iron Sheik~!
Enjoy his Sheiky goodness.
Labels: Audio Shows, ECW, Iron Sheik, Pro Wrestling News, Ratings
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Sunday, December 31, 2006
Sheiky would not be happy.
Sheiky is a profussiunal and he would not condone the 2 audible burps from tonight's NFL game on NFL network.
Don't believe me?
for yourself
Sheiky should humble Bryant Gumble in the Old Country way both for this and for sucking so bad on these games.
Labels: Iron Sheik, NFL, NFL Network
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Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Iron Sheik is the greatest human being in the history of Human Beings
Labels: Iron Sheik, Pro Wrestling News, YouTube
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Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Iron Sheik meets Cornholio
Anyway, I was thinking about my contribution for this fine day and have decided to go back to my routes. For those that know or don't, this all got started with some emails to the Ric & show at many of these emails were parities of historical events or parities of something I heard on the show itself.
So, I bring you as I have imagined it, what a conversation between the Great Cornholio and the Old Country Posterchild the Iron Sheik might look like.
C: I am the Great Cornholio, I need TP for my bunghole.
S: I sorry but Sheik is Olympic champiun, WWF WWE Hall-of-fame and this is not great feeling I had all time all my life.
C: In my land there is but one bunghole.
S: I come from Iran the oldest country in the earth and wrestling is greatest sport in the wurld.
C: Are you threatening me?
S: Listen here, you are nothing but a ponk. I could break your back, and then fuck your ass make you humble.
C: Trick or Treat Sonovabitch!
S: You was lucky ponk that the gold medal that I do for God and Jesus and Mr. McMahon make me a Professiounal and I don't humble you Old Country Way. Suplex you, put you in the camel clutch, break your back and then fuck your ass.
C: I will fight for the allmighty bungholio. The bunghole will speak now.
S: You are worse than Hulk and Michael Hogan. Hacksaw is not around to save you and I raspact Kurt Angle, but Iron Sheik was Olympic champiun before Kurt Angle.
C: Would you like to see my bunghole? Get me some TP for me bunghole?
S: I never raspact a gay, I never raspact a fag. You and that no good jabroney faggot Hulk Hogan should live together, get married together like Michael Jacksong and that other babby. and I never raspact you again.
C: I have a portfolio in my holio.
S: I give you 2 dollars, but all I have is hundred dollar bill. Nikolai say no, I not give him $2 and so Nikolai is worse than Hulk Hogan~!
C: In my land I do not need a hall-pass.
S: No any sport sell out in your land, like in Madisung Square Gardong in Pontiak Michigone.
C: You must respect the great and mighty bungholio. I have no bunghole!
S: I break your back and then fuck your ass.
C: Mm'mmm'mm'mmm'mmm'mmm'mm'mmmm'mmm ok!!
*Steve Austin breaks in:
A: If you liked that transcription, give me an, son give me an add click before I open a giant can of whoopass on ya like I did these 2 sunzabitches.
Labels: Cornholio, Cornholio Day, Iron Sheik, OCC Celebrations
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He rants~!
Seriously, give it a listen. The usual topics are covered.
Labels: Audio Shows, Iron Sheik
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Thursday, August 24, 2006
Iron Sheik goodness
for Iron Sheik most certainly did not Suplex him, nor was the camel clutch applied, Anjoh's back was not broken, and if step 4 had happened I don't think we'd be seeing this on Youtube.
Labels: Iron Sheik, YouTube
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